
Sumatra is the only place on Earth where tigers, rhinos, orangutans, and elephants live together. The forests of Sumatra are home of wildlife to marvellous creatures like the probosci’s monkey, sun bear, clouded leopard, and flying fox bat, and endangered animals like the Sumatran tiger, Sumatran rhino, and Sumatra elephant.

Mount Leuser National Park (TNGL) located in North Sumatra and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. An area of ​​1,094,692 hectares (ha) this established by the Government of Indonesia as a National park in 1980. The name (Taman Guning Leuser) was taken from the Gunung Leuser stretching in the region with a height reaching 3,404 meters (m) above sea level (asl). Together with Bukit Barisan National Park South and Kerinci National Park, UNESCO TNGL in 2004 as a World Heritage Site, and Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra in 2004. Previously,

From 1972 to 2001, Bukit Lawang is a place of rehabilitation for orangutans. In this period, 229 ex-captive orangutans confiscated from the wildlife trade have been rehabilitated at this location. Bukit Lawang up now recognized as the best gateway to enjoy the beauty of TNGL dazzling. Although no longer a place of rehabilitation and release of orangutans, forests around Bukit Lawang still leave the opportunity to observe orangutans and species of flora and other fauna.

Rafflesia arnoldii

Of the many various plants that reside on Sumatra Batu Katat and Tualang Gepang, one of the most interesting would be Rafflesia arnoldii in the parasitic genus Rafflesia. The Rafflesia arnoldii flower is one of three national flowers in Indonesia, with the others being white jasmine and the moon orchid. This plant is also referred to as the “corpse plant” due to its emission of an unpleasant scent like that of rotting flesh. It is also the world’s largest flower and is found in Sumatra growing to be up to 100 cm. in diameter and weighing up to 10 kg.

Pitcher Plants

Sumatra rainforests are known to house some of the greatest diversity of carnivorous tropical pitcher plants, also known as Nepenthes.
Nepenthes can be divided into two groups: highland and lowland pitcher plants. The highland pitcher plants consist of 70% of all Nepenthes species and are found in tropical highlands and mountainous regions. They are known to grow at elevations of approximately 3,000 to 10,000 feet above sea level. Lowland Nepenthes grow below 3,000 feet sea level and are often subject to high temperatures during both day and night with high humidity.

Bukit Lawang Trekking Monkeys
Bukit Lawang Trekking
Thomas’s Langur
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Slow Lorises
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